I can't believe how quickly time has passed since my last blog but, then, I have been busy (which is good because I must be doing something right!)
In the last few months I've been back to Switzerland with Eamonn Downey teaching trance and trance healing. We've been there twice, in fact, in August/September and again in October as the students vary in their understanding of trance so we have several different levels we are teaching. The students are so keen to learn and it's refreshing to work with them. We are also very well looked after by the hotel staff. The hotel is wonderfully located, looking out on lakes and mountains and it also has a spa! (I've not yet had time to visit the spa but I hope to in the future). Dates for Switzerland next year haven't been decided yet but they will be on my website once they've been finalised.
As you know, I've also been raising funds for my little great-nephew, Oliver, who needs a life-changing operation. Eamonn Downey held a raffle at the Arthur Findlay College and raised over £500 for the cause! Also Tony Stockwell's Avalon Project held a raffle over their weekend seminar in Eastbourne last month and raised over £900 for Oliver too! Our family is so touched by the love complete strangers have shown in their efforts to help reach the target of £60,000. Thank you so much everyone.
If you would like to read about Oliver you can find more information on his website: www.footsteps4oliver.co.uk
In September I travelled with Darren Brittain to the London Spiritual Mission. We travelled up on Friday 13th, arriving at 13.13 to our hotel, which had 13 floors. We were booked to work at 13 Pembridge Place - just as well neither of us is superstitious! The trance workshop was well-attended on the Saturday and Saturday evening Darren gave a demonstration. I ran the service on the Sunday. If you've not yet visited the Mission do go along. It's a wonderful building and I found the people there were really lovely and welcoming.
I've done various demonstrations over the past few months and have just come back from working in Norway with Sue Smith. It was a full-on weekend with sittings all day Friday, a psychic and mediumship workshop on Saturday and an experimental trance and physical day on Sunday. All were well-attended and I do feel privileged to be able to work in such a lovely country with willing students!
There are lots of things in the pipeline for next year. More work in Switzerland, also the Healing Light weekend seminar in Worthing which is always a popular event. If you've not yet joined us, do take a look at the link on my website or the Healing Light website. Of course, if you've been before, you've probably booked again as we do have the majority re-booking year after year. It's a weekend of fun and learning and most people go home happy in the knowledge that they have met like-minded people who become life-long friends.
Darren and I have been invited to work in Scotland next year too and details will be on my site once everything is finalised.
On the 31st January, 2014 I will be doing a charity evening in memory of a dear friend of mine. It's at the Heene Community Centre in Worthing and I am hoping for a good attendance so we can raise lots of funds for the charity. For further details please ring Carol on 01903 533687.
I've also been booked for two weeks of trance healing teaching in Holland for 2015 and details will appear on my site once dates etc have been arranged.
Finally, I wanted to share something with you that has touched me deeply.
It's a message I received last night via Facebook from a young lady I gave a sitting to a couple of years ago.
She has asked me to share it with you because it will give others hope that, when all seems wrong, a little guidance can help enormously. I have blanked out some names as confidentiality is very important to me, even though she has given her wish to share it.
"Hello! You probably don't remember me, but i had a
sitting with you a couple of years ago, when you were in ******. I've
missed out on your visits ever since, so i hope it won't be long before
you come back next time. I was supposed to participate this weekend,
along with my cousin, whom is a psykic, and wanting to explore her gift.
But Things came up, and we missed it. The reason why i'm writing you is
because i wanted to thank you for the experience i had With you that
time. It really helped me in a lot of ways. As a result of this, I
managed to switch my relationship out of a negative, bad circle. Instead
of going in different directions, we are now getting married, and got a
second child, a little girl, seven months ago. We named her *****
Marlene. The middle name is to remind me of what changed my life to the
better, and maybe to help me be able to bring me back to that state og
mind when life gets rough. I remember i was not able to speak much after
the meeting i had with you. A lot of impressions and thoughts went
trough my mind. So i didn't get to thank you enough. Have been thinking
of it a lot of times, so now, better late than never, THANK YOU EVER SO
I am so moved by this because, of course, it's always an honour to do this work but to think that someone has named a child after me actually brought me to tears!
I am so lucky and I also appreciate that this young lady has taken the time to write. As mediums we see hundreds, if not thousands of people every year, some are regular clients, some come only the once, but we rarely get any feedback on our sittings.
It's the little gems like this that make it all worthwhile!
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