Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Trance Workshop
I am looking forward to catching up with some old friends at the Trance Workshop that I am running for Indigo Spiritual Connection at Woodmancote Village Hall, I am sure we will have a great evening and produce some interesting results.  This will be on the Thursday 16th of June at 7.30pm, see web site for details.

Radio Interview
Also on the 16th, I am doing an interview on trance mediumship for Southdown’s Radio.  This is a new local web based radio station and I will post again once I know what the timing is going to be.  If you want to find out more visit;

Strood Spiritual Centre
It is always a pleasure to be invited to the Strood Spiritual Centre as it is one of those places that is light, airy and has a nice atmosphere, something not found in every rented hall.  The audience is also enthusiastic and willing to show appreciation between links which always raises the energy and encourages those in Spirit to come forward thick and fast.  As a result I would have quite happily continued for another hour or so, such was the wonderful energy generated by the audience and those in Spirit.  Many very personal and detailed links were established.  Thanks to Nicki Weir, Debbie Watts and the rest of the team for inviting me, see you all next time.

Grand Hotel
Thank you to everyone that turned up for  the Starr Trust demonstration at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, Chris and his staff and my fellow medium for the evening Andrew Manship.  I am overjoyed to report that the evening raised £1,026 for the 21 children’s charities that the Trust is raising money for this year.  It was both a pleasure and a privilege to have been a part of the Trust’s incredible fund raising activities.

 The Starr Trust
We had a super morning on the 11th of May at the Brighton Sea Life Centre watching Starr Trust Chairman, Rob Starr, swimming with the sharks as part of the “Swim 4 Smiles” fund raising campaign.  Rob is a truly amazing man and is totally dedicated to the trust set up in his late fathers name and this event was to promote his next challenge when he will swim the 21 miles across the English Channel to raise £100,000 for 21 children's projects around the world.  At the time of writing over £41,000 has already been raised and you can follow Rob’s progress on Facebook , Twitter and on the Starr Trust web site  A clip of Rob speaking prior to the swim can be found at;

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